First Two Club Shoots of 2022
May Metric
6 of us took part in this year’s May metric competition, 3 recurves and 3 Longbows.
The qualification round was a WA60m round. 6 dozen arrows at 60 metres on a full sized face.
The same was used for the head to head that followed.
Recurve qualification round Longbow qualification round
1st John B 514 1st Tim 180
2nd Mark 437 2nd Barry 169
3rd Mel 360 3rd Dave 134
Head to head semi finals
Mark beat Mel 6 points to 2 Barry beat Dave 7 points to 3
Mark beat John B 6 points to 4 Tim beat Barry 6 points to 4
Club Longbow champs
A good turnout of 8 archers took part in the club longbow shoot on 19th June 2022.
As usual a Western round was shot. The scoring zone was hit plenty of time as were the ground, the legs of the target stand and once of twice the wooden winder for the target ropes. After the 8 dozen arrows the results were:
1st place with a score of 381 and the club Longbow champion for the second time – Mark Martin
2nd Barry with 328
3rd Tim with 306
4th Dave 386, 5th John B 228, 6th Steve 176, 7th Neil 168 and 8th Mel 137.
Good fun was had by all that took part. Come and join us for the next club tournament.
The “Chuffy” Memorial shoot on 24th July. An American round shot on a handicapped basis.